Sentence example with the word 'remonstrant'


Last update: July 7, 2015


Arminius is best known as the founder of the anti-Calvinistic school in Reformed theology, which created the Remonstrant Church in Holland (see Remonstrants), and contributed to form the Arminian tendency or party in England.   [Please select]


"Couldn't t'ink ob such a t'ing," said the negro, with a solemn, remonstrant shake of the head.   [Please select]


An impasse was thus reached and Maurice at last openly declared for the Contra-Remonstrant side.   [Please select]


After the Advocate's death, except for the persecution directed against the Remonstrant party, the course of public affairs went on smoothly.   [Please select]


The prince himself, as was well known, was inclined to Remonstrant opinions.   [Please select]


A great deal of remonstrant ploughing about generally follows, but the application does not really cause any pain, and will soon cure if persevered with--twice a day for a week or so.   [Please select]


The do-nothing, the popinjay, the intractable, the self-important, the remonstrant, the _I thought, sir_--the _It is due to my dignity, sir_--none of these flourished in the Army of the Valley.   [Please select]

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