Sentence example with the word 'remodelling'


Last update: September 16, 2015


Her former rival, Genoa, bad also been compelled, in June 1797, to bow before the young conqueror, and had undergone at his hands a remodelling on the lines already followed at Milan.   [Please select]


"--to go over to Growstock and give me a complete estimate on repairing and remodelling the royal castle."   [Please select]


"I suppose they kept remodelling the telephones all the time after that, didn't they."   [Please select]


All our legislation concerning transmissions, entailments, adoptions, and, if I may venture to use such a word, COADJUTORERIES, requires remodelling.   [Please select]


They turned it into a playhouse, by remodelling its gallery into a dress-circle and balcony and adding another gallery above.   [Please select]


"--Cromwell at once set about to effect the entire remodelling of the army on the plan of his favorite Ironsides."   [Please select]


Metternich had an ally, too, in Schornhurst, who was remodelling the whole military system of Prussia.   [Please select]


The same day an order was given that every man should be employed in remodelling those houses which we found standing, and in making more cottages.   [Please select]

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remodelled - remodelling - remold