Sentence example with the word 'remodelled'


Last update: August 11, 2015


In accordance with this scheme Pericles sought to educate the whole community to political wisdom by giving to all an active share in the government, and to train their aesthetic tastes by making accessible the best drama and music. It was most unfortunate that the Peloponnesian War ruined this great project by diverting the large supplies of money which were essential to it, and confronting the remodelled Athenian democracy, before it could dispense with his tutelage, with a series of intricate questions of foreign policy which, in view of its inexperience, it could hardly have been expected to grapple with successfully.   [Please select]


Her room in the remodelled temple was a source of great delight to Lady Tennys.   [Please select]


It was remodelled during the Seven Years' War and embodied during that and all our later wars.   [Please select]


He had remodelled many a worse spot,--the barn loft in Vermont, for example, and made it habitable.   [Please select]


On the strength of it I rebuilt my home and remodelled these premises.   [Please select]


Anne ran to her bed-chamber and donned her remodelled gown with shaking hands.   [Please select]


A more important change still, the army was to be entirely remodelled; Protestant officers were to be summarily dismissed, and Roman Catholic ones as summarily put in their places.   [Please select]

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remodeling - remodelled - remodelling