Sentence example with the word 'remitting'


Last update: October 23, 2015


But Mr Ritchie, the chancellor of the exchequer, having a surplus in prospect and taxation to take off, carried the cabinet in favour of again remitting this tax on corn.   [Please select]


Members of the family will be able to order the coming editions in advance by applying and remitting to the publisher.   [Please select]


Lord Panmure, however, remained sceptical; 'it will do no good,' he pronounced; 'the British soldier is not a remitting animal.'   [Please select]


Miss Macalister had not said a word about remitting his punishment, and he must be true to his colours.   [Please select]


It was this inside knowledge which had enabled him to inform Miss Nightingale with such authority that 'the British soldier is not a remitting animal'.   [Please select]


They were uniformly in favor of relaxing the administration of justice, of affording facilities for the payment of debts, or of suspending their collection, and remitting taxes.   [Please select]

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remittent - remitting - remixing