Sentence example with the word 'remittent'


calenture, continued fever, eruptive fever, febrility, fever heat, fire, heat, hectic fever, hyperpyrexia, intermittent fever, puerperal fever, relapsing fever, urethral fever, water fever

Definition adj. (of a disease) characterized by periods of diminished severity

Last update: August 4, 2015


It is generally applied to the definite unhealthy condition of body known by a variety of names, such as ague, intermittent (and remittent) fever, marsh fever, jungle fever, hill fever, "fever of the country" and "fever and ague."   [Please select]


The excitement came back upon her like a remittent fever.   [Please select]


Yellow fever, intermittent and remittent fevers, and all sorts of other tropical maladies made it their favourite home.   [Please select]


Five minutes after, with a certain unaccountable pleasure, he found himself walking beside a laden bullock, one arm resting on its broad back, his feet keeping step with the remittent clang of its bell.   [Please select]

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remitted - remittent - remitting