Sentence example with the word 'remitted'


absolved, canceled, disregarded, exonerated, forgotten, liquidated, paid in full, prepaid, reprieved, shriven, unavenged, unrevenged

Last update: November 2, 2015


It was a year in which all agriculture was remitted, in which the fields lay unsown and the vines grew unpruned, only the spontaneous yield of the land might be gathered.   [Please select]


Now if Ingred had really hoped to get her sentence remitted she could not have done a more absolutely suicidal thing.   [Please select]


His case was a hopeful one, and his father cheerfully remitted to Mr.   [Please select]


Lorimer had remitted it, but because Avery--with rare despotism--had insisted upon removing it from her patient's reach.   [Please select]


I was sentenced to expulsion; but the penalty was to be remitted on condition that I would apologize to Poodles.   [Please select]


Bayard graciously remitted the sentence he had passed against the offending clerk.   [Please select]


He had sold all his books but twenty, and had that day remitted eighty dollars more to Mr.   [Please select]

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remittances - remitted - remittent