Since learning that Elisabeth regenerated blood faster than it could be drained, he didn't buy the protection theory anymore, and was convinced this was some kind of well-deserved penance. [Please select]
"Were the invasions of the barbarians what saved and regenerated Rome." [Please select]
This is Everard Dominey, Henry, returned from foreign exile and regenerated in every sense of the word. [Please select]
Their shells were nearly covered with exposed bone and regenerated epidermis. [Please select]
Note regenerated epidermis at bottom of depression and two pieces of dead bone ("splinter scars") at upper right margin of depression. [Please select]
On September 4th, France declared herself a republic again, and thus regenerated, prepared to fight for existence against triumphant Prussianism. [Please select]
The empire was to be regenerated, not by humanizing it but by Ottomanizing it. [Please select]
Out of its ashes rises the regenerated individual, the bold and daring rebel. [Please select]
To me it was an incredible England; an England purged of all weakness, stripped of flabbiness, regenerated by sacrifice. [Please select]
She was the ideal mother because she had outgrown marriage and all its horrors, because she had broken her chains, and set her spirit free to soar until it returned a personality, regenerated and strong. [Please select]
Nearly all the larger trees of this species now present have been cut one or more times and have regenerated from stump sprouts. [Please select]
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