Sentence example with the word 'refound'


Last update: October 29, 2015


He and his followers, the sans-culottes of the capital, would overturn everything and refound society upon communism and atheism.   [Please select]


(13) I add here a note on a Roman milestone found in 1694 near Appleby and lately refound.   [Please select]


His present errand became a treachery to be swept aside by his refound strength.   [Please select]


--Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, seized the occasion of the Civil War to set the Monroe Doctrine at defiance and to refound a French colonial empire in America.   [Please select]


Just before his death Edward established Christ's Hospital, or home for the support and education of fatherless children, and refounded and renewed the St.   [Please select]

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refought - refound - refounded