Sentence example with the word 'redshank'


Definition n. a common Old World wading bird with long red legs

Last update: September 29, 2015


But that name properly belongs to the Redshank, from the cry of warning to other animals that it utters on the approach of danger.   [Please select]


I have, however, a Redshank in full breeding plumage, killed in Guernsey as late as the 23rd of April.   [Please select]


Professor Ansted includes the Redshank in his list, but only marks it as occurring in Guernsey.   [Please select]


"--The Green Sandpiper is an irregular, very scarce (not so numerous indeed as the Redshank) visitant on the spring and autumn migration."   [Please select]


Their provincial name in Norfolk is the Green-legged Shank, the latter name, Shank, being applied for shortness to the Redshank.   [Please select]


The Redshank is a bird of frequent occurrence on all such parts of the coast as are suited to its habits.   [Please select]


The food of the Redshank consists of worms, marine insects, and any other animal matter which abounds on the sea-shore.   [Please select]

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