Sentence example with the word 'redistributed'


Definition adj. having population and industries relocated from urban to outlying areas

Last update: November 2, 2015


The " northern soils," which are glacial deposits more or less redistributed by water, are much less fertile as a rule, and consist of all possible varieties from a tough boulder clay to loose sand.   [Please select]


Here and there she made an introduction, she redistributed a group, she moved a chair.   [Please select]


This land could be inherited from father to son and was not redistributed.   [Please select]


Land was redistributed among poor peasants; new land registers were also compiled, in order to prevent the rich from evading taxation.   [Please select]


A land-reform program limited land ownership, reduced rents, and redistributed formerly Japanese-owned land.   [Please select]


Elements may indeed be redistributed, the original placing of things getting corrected, but a real place must be found for every kind of thing experienced, whether term or relation, in the final philosophic arrangement.   [Please select]


He told off two men to carry the injured porter to a mission station more than a day's march away, and redistributed the loads.   [Please select]

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redistribute - redistributed - redistributing