Sentence example with the word 'recking'


Last update: July 10, 2015


The moon became brighter, but it remained cold and pitiless, recking nothing of the tragedy in the pass.   [Please select]


Homes that the speculative builder, recking not of the artistic sobriety, had determined should be picturesque at any cost of capricious ingenuity.   [Please select]


"Nay, don't lay reproach on yeself, Jan," advised the father, little recking of what was in his daughter's mind.   [Please select]


In nineteen-seventeen a few declared themselves pacifists and conscientious objectors, and, little recking what they were in for, marched off triumphantly to a military prison, feeling like Christ and longing for a public cross.   [Please select]


Better, far better, to lay hold of it so, to go quietly in the not unhappy fever-dream, wandering of old days, recking naught of the new.   [Please select]

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recked - recking - reckless