Sentence example with the word 'recites'


Last update: October 11, 2015


"And it is really there, Alixe, despite the fool who recites his creed so tritely."   [Please select]


And a narrative it remains both in the speeches which the poet recites from time to time and in the intermediate passages.   [Please select]


He recites his speeches to me; he asks my advice as to his fights with his tenants or his miners.   [Please select]


A poet, with a bandaged eye, and hair like a windblown hay-stack, recites "I am dying, Egypt--dying," and then a pure, clear, tenor voice starts through the forest-aisles, and there is sudden silence.   [Please select]


She requires a verse each evening, so he recites it, then writes it out, and she uses it for copy the next day.   [Please select]

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reciters - recites - reciting