Sentence example with the word 'reciter'


actor, character actor, elocutioner, foil, juvenile, mythmaker, playactor, relator, stage performer, strolling player, villain

Definition n. someone who recites from memory

Last update: September 3, 2015


The reciter of 'Sir Galahad' shook his hand warmly, promising that he would do so.   [Please select]


She was not, it must be confessed, especially admirable as a _verbatim et literatim_ "reciter."   [Please select]


And so in like manner with other practical skills,--the geometrician's, astronomer's, professional reciter's.'   [Please select]


Lady Kitty passed the time either in a running commentary on the reciter, which occasionally convulsed her companion, or else in holding her small hands over her ears.   [Please select]

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recited - reciter - reciters