Sentence example with the word 'recitative'


Definition n. a vocal passage of narrative text that a singer delivers with natural rhythms of speech

Last update: June 10, 2015


The rudeness of early art is most apparent in the inequality of the metres in which both the dialogue and the "recitative" are composed.   [Please select]


The voice was soon on hand, and once more I was treated to the incomparable recitative.   [Please select]


He has the ambitions, the faculties, of a lyric poet, and he gives us too frequently recitative.   [Please select]


"I'll run through the recitative," he added, "and take your time from the stick."'   [Please select]


There you have the air and the recitative, intersected by pauses.   [Please select]


_ Call, a petulant, complaining _whang_; song, a broken, rambling recitative "you see it--you know it--do you hear me."   [Please select]


Flora had exchanged the measured and monotonous recitative of the bard for a lofty and uncommon Highland air, which had been a battle-song in former ages.   [Please select]

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recitations - recitative - recitatives