Sentence example with the word 'recasting'


Definition n. changing a particular word or phrase

Last update: September 3, 2015


The services which Dumont rendered in recasting as well as translating the works of Bentham were still more important.   [Please select]


And finally, in 1623, he brought out in Latin a greatly enlarged recasting of the _Advancement_; the nine books of the "_De Augmentis_."   [Please select]


He was never tired of recasting and rewriting, from a mere fragment or preface to a finished paper.   [Please select]


It was recasting upon a scale no human mind was yet equipped to grasp.   [Please select]


The latter is a supplementary recasting of Fichte's Science of Knowledge, while in the former Schelling follows Kant and Herder.   [Please select]


I find, by the way, that they need a great deal of recasting.   [Please select]


The materials of the future insect are obtained by a general recasting.   [Please select]


The two following, on "Ornament from Mathematics," represent a recasting and a rewriting of articles which have appeared in _The Architectural Review, The Architectural Forum_, and _The American Architect_.   [Please select]


Browning has rendered him more simple by, as it were, recasting him in the atmosphere of a more modern time, and of his own intellectual life.   [Please select]

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recast - recasting - recede