Sentence example with the word 'rearmost'


Definition adj. located farthest to the rear

Last update: October 17, 2015


The rearmost troops of the Russian 2nd column, not yet committed to the fight on the Goldbach, made a bold counter stroke against St Hilaire's right flank, but were repulsed, and Soult now turned to relieve the pressure on Davout by attacking Sokolnitz.   [Please select]


Five--ten--fifteen minutes we rushed at the heels of the rearmost dogs, until, suddenly, we found ourselves in the midst of the pack.   [Please select]


They told us that the rearmost division was not more than ten miles ahead.   [Please select]


Whether the enemy attempted to follow in canoes the escaping party never knew, for none succeeded in overtaking the rearmost boat.   [Please select]


At this moment, Arkansas is next to Florida, the rearmost of all our states in wild-life protection.   [Please select]


As soon as he jumped on deck, Perry took command of the _Niagara_, sending Elliott off to bring up the rearmost schooners.   [Please select]


Nay, nay," shouted the rearmost carter, "we's for getting home, empty or somehow, if so be as these here can keep their feets.   [Please select]

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rearmed - rearmost - rearouse