Sentence example with the word 'realists'


Last update: October 21, 2015


The controversy between nominalists and realists arose from a passage in Boethius' translation of Porphyry's Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle, which propounded the problem of genera and species, (1) as to whether they subsist in themselves or only in the mind; (2) whether, if subsistent, they are corporeal or incorporeal; and (3) whether separated from sensible things or placed in them.   [Please select]


"The realists will tell you that you should keep your eyes on the cans."   [Please select]


All the various schools of the mediaeval dialecticians, Realists and Nominalists alike, sought to establish old theories, not to discover new truth.   [Please select]


I intend to have a romance--old style--good old style--before the vogue of the middle-class realists.   [Please select]


He took the side of the Realists, his object being to uphold Saint Augustine.   [Please select]


But we are compelled to recognize that there are subdivisions in this first class of realists.   [Please select]


And it is equally true that there are various sorts of realists that may be put into the second class.   [Please select]

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realistically - realists - realities