Sentence example with the word 'rationalism'


apologetics, deductive reasoning, discourse of reason, doctrinism, hagiography, inductive reasoning, neoorthodox theology, philosophy, rationality, reasonableness, secularism, sweet reason

Definition n. (philosophy) the doctrine that knowledge is acquired by reason without resort to experience

Last update: July 27, 2015


His rationalism doesn't match with others. .   [Please select]


His dislike to rationalism in religion also made him one of the numerous opponents of Benjamin Hoadly's Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament.   [Please select]


His rationalism doesn't match with others.   [Please select]


Such rationalism would be regarded as very dangerous, since it was calculated to damage the harvest.   [Please select]


Now, Locke was familiar with the writings of Descartes, whose work he admired, but whose rationalism offended him.   [Please select]


Spinoza: his _a priori_ method, 10; on God or substance, 199; his rationalism, 208; his parallelism, 308; references, 311-312.   [Please select]


The denial of universal ideas is rationalism and materialism in philosophy, as it is Pelagianism and Arminianism in theology.   [Please select]


Anselm had successfully battled with the rationalism of Roscelin, and also had furnished a new argument for the existence of God.   [Please select]


In the years preceding the French Revolution the Reformed Church in the United Provinces had become honey-combed with rationalism.   [Please select]


Is it not the real door of separation between Empiricism and Rationalism.   [Please select]


Rationalism, according to them, meant simply an attack upon the traditional sanctions of morality; and it scarcely occurred to them to ask for any philosophical foundation of their creed.   [Please select]

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