Sentence example with the word 'ratafia'


Definition n. sweet liqueur made from wine and brandy flavored with plum or peach or apricot kernels and bitter almonds

Last update: June 30, 2015


Honoré, and liqueurs of every description--chartreuse, curaçoa, ratafia de cassis, and anisette; no expense was spared.   [Please select]


Le ratafia de cassis que Monsieur Durien nous a envoyé la semaine dernière.   [Please select]


In the Ratafia cherry several flower-peduncles arise from a common peduncle, upwards of an inch in length.   [Please select]


In the Ratafia cherry several flower- peduncles arise from a common peduncle, upwards of an inch in length.   [Please select]


Many of her customers ended that way--took to cognac and ratafia, when choicer pleasures were exhausted and wrinkles began to show through their paint.   [Please select]

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rasure - ratafia - ratafias