Sentence example with the word 'rancher'


agriculturalist, broncobuster, cowman, dirt farmer, farrier, harvester, kibbutznik, picker, ranchman, stableboy, tamer, truck farmer

Definition n. a person who owns or operates a ranch

Last update: June 14, 2015


He looked like a rancher in his faded denim jeans and plaid shirt.   [Please select]


Thus the wolves become a scourge, and their depredations upon herds of sheep and cattle cause no inconsiderable loss to the rancher.   [Please select]


Very different was the action of a rancher's dog, evidently a cross between a St.   [Please select]


She had no desire for civilization, she flouted the idea of marrying the rich rancher of Durango.   [Please select]


The strange thing was that Macomber, the rancher, had already traded his mustang and money to boot for the sorrel.   [Please select]


The riders shouted with laughter while the rancher struggled with confusion.   [Please select]


No rider or rancher or sheepman, in fact, no one, ever lost a chance to warn Bostil.   [Please select]


I'm goin' to make this great horse-trader, this rich an' mighty rancher, this judge of grand horses, this BOSTIL.'   [Please select]


"Wal, Milt Dale, I reckon this is the first time I ever seen you that I couldn't lay you flat on your back," replied the rancher.   [Please select]


In his younger days he did not get along well with Dale's other pets and Dale gave him to a rancher down in the valley.   [Please select]

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ranch - rancher - ranchero