Her habbit of cracking raillery every time is not good. . [Please select]
Spenser, in "Colin Clout's come home again," calls him with a spice of raillery "old Palaemon" who "sung so long until quite hoarse he grew." [Please select]
He indulged in gentle raillery at God with closed doors. [Please select]
(He wags his head with cackling raillery) Jocular. [Please select]
Her habbit of cracking raillery every time is not good. [Please select]
"Well, you had a chance to turn a pretty penny," he said, in a tone of gentle raillery. [Please select]
Quayle looked full at the speaker, and for once his expression held no hint of impertinence or raillery. [Please select]
The raillery of our host, not too nice or delicate, soon spurred him to a discovery of his complaint. [Please select]
His tone was full of not over-respectful raillery; his bold, bloodshot eyes met his companion's innocent looking ones with careless admiration. [Please select]
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