Sentence example with the word 'pylon'


antenna tower, bell tower, cupola, fire tower, lantern, monument, porch, radio beacon, stile, tower, wind indicator

Definition n. a tower for guiding pilots or marking the turning point in a race

Last update: August 24, 2015


A pylon is being built in our township.   [Please select]


In front of the pylon Rameses set up colossi and a pair of obelisks (one of which was taken to Paris in 1831 and re-erected in the Place de la Concorde).   [Please select]


Then I fell back, the holy image of the goddess passed and the procession vanished through the pylon gate.   [Please select]


Every pylon, every gateway, every chamber, relates to us the exploits which he accomplished.   [Please select]


Behind the first gateway, or pylon came an open court surrounded by a portico upheld by pillars.   [Please select]


There was the gateway or pylon; there the open outer court with columns round it supporting roofed cloisters, which, as we ascertained afterwards, were used as dwelling-places by the priests.   [Please select]

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pyjamas - pylon - pylons