Sentence example with the word 'purported'


Last update: August 26, 2015


The city had a tired, old look about it, especially in neigh­borhoods like the purported residence of J. Cleary. ne fifty-seven Bascomb Place was a drab old building in a drab old section of the city with a faded "For Rent" sign perma­nently fixed to the front.   [Please select]


And the King thought that what they purported to do and had thus begun, might full well be effected.   [Please select]


The letter purported to be an urgent appeal from James Bansemer, asking her to meet him at eight o'clock that night.'   [Please select]


And the king thought that what they purported to do and had thus begun, might full well be effected.   [Please select]


The speaker purported to be the Countess Prandeville, a very estimable chatelaine who ruled socially over the grim old village of Ganlook.   [Please select]


The family solicitor, Mr, Ferret, held in his hand what purported to be the last will of Mrs.   [Please select]


It purported to be a parchment folio discovered in an old hair trunk by Colonel John C.   [Please select]


It purported to be an interview which the latter had with the former in his "attic study" in Chicago.   [Please select]


"Lastly, I have a singular piece of evidence that the mortgage was signed not on the date it purported but shortly after the seizure of the client."   [Please select]


He found it was made out in the name of John Lawrence and that it purported to be an identification of John Lawrence as an accredited correspondent of the New York _Gazette_.   [Please select]

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purport - purported - purportedly