Sentence example with the word 'purloining'


Last update: October 13, 2015


At last Zöe caught him in the act of purloining her goodies, and was most indignant.   [Please select]


If she had been accused of purloining the Crown jewels from the Tower of London, Ulyth could not have been more astonished.   [Please select]


We therefore ordered them all from our camp, threatening to beat severely any one detected in purloining.   [Please select]


Smith had made the two boys' understand that he suspected them of purloining the missing five-dollar bill, they were naturally very indignant.   [Please select]


But the message was so obviously designed to facilitate the purloining of the sealed envelope and so obviously emanated from one already aware of the murder of M.   [Please select]


Despite the purloining of the leg of mutton there was enough to go round, and everybody decided that the cooks deserved proficiency badges.   [Please select]

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purloiners - purloining - purple