Sentence example with the word 'puritanical'


abstinent, conscientious, eremitic, hidebound, ironhanded, obstinate, precisianist, puristic, rockbound, stiff, uncompromising

Definition adj. of or relating to Puritans or Puritanism

Last update: February 1, 2017


In the period of national poverty and depression that followed this event, a puritanical spirit came into vogue which was little in sympathy with Holberg's dramatic or satiric genius.   [Please select]


And this was in Puritanical Boston, in the year of the hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower.   [Please select]


Cooke hung beside the ruler whom he opposed, sturdy and somewhat puritanical, as befitted a popular leader.   [Please select]


He had a dignity which made his Puritanical plainness more patrician than Rochester's finery, more impressive than Buckingham's graceful splendour.   [Please select]


The atmosphere of the town in which he went to school was strictly Puritanical, and the townspeople much given to religious discussion.   [Please select]


It's worse even than our old Harvard quarters, and those were puritanical enough.   [Please select]


And Kitty must have done something to bring down upon her the wrath of the Puritanical mistress of the house.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, Cæsar's principles grew more and more puritanical year by year.   [Please select]


He was evidently somewhat narrow and puritanical, but already had offered to assist him with any of his studies should he need help.   [Please select]


"Well, it belongs to me, I reckon, and confound your silly puritanical fancies, I'll leave it where I please," retorted Fletcher, and strode from the room.'   [Please select]

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