Sentence example with the word 'purging'


absolution, bowdlerization, clearing, detersion, emetic, expurgatory, liquidation, purgative, rationalization, respite, thuggism

Definition adj. serving to purge or rid of sin

Last update: October 31, 2015


On the 26th of January the grand-duke issued a circular letter to the Tuscan bishops suggesting certain reforms, especially in the matter of the restoration of the authority of diocesan synods, the purging of the missals and breviaries of legends, the assertion of episcopal as against papal authority, the curtailing of the privileges of the monastic orders, and the better education of the clergy.   [Please select]


You seem to think you may be suspected of purging Rivers.   [Please select]


And so, by the dog of Egypt, we have been unconsciously purging the State, which not long ago we termed luxurious.   [Please select]


In every home, while faces carried bold fronts, there was heart searching of the ultimate depths and there was purging of souls.   [Please select]


The strong must, besides moderate bleeding and purging, be kept on light diet, and their body kept open.   [Please select]


The strong must, besides moderate bleeding and purging, be kept on light diet and their body kept open.   [Please select]


We must then mitigate these morbid phenomena either by bleeding or purging.   [Please select]


Where there is a discharge of the nose, you must, after purging, work on the lungs.   [Please select]


Keep the bowels open, but avoid active purging, except in cases of fever.   [Please select]


Indian corn, both dry and green, has been fed to all animals accustomed to eating it, and when they can be induced to feed upon it freely, purging is generally secured.   [Please select]

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purges - purging - purgings