Sentence example with the word 'punted'


Last update: August 5, 2015


From its mouth, and smaller craft can be punted up as far as Rayoh, some 15 m.   [Please select]


It was rather like being punted on the Thames by somebody in a top hat and a black coat.   [Please select]


He punted in silence under Magdalen Bridge and along the side of Addison's Walk.   [Please select]


He read on, read of their journey up the river to Srinagar, punted by native boatmen, and again, as she spoke of their sad, droning chant, she compared it all to a dream.   [Please select]


The current was so swift and the wind so often in the wrong direction that sails were almost useless, and the boats were rowed, punted and towed upstream with a great deal of hard labour.   [Please select]

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punster - punted - punter