Sentence example with the word 'punning'


Definition n. a humorous play on words

Last update: June 10, 2015


Hence the half-punning allusion.   [Please select]


I am not punning, madam; I am much too serious to pun; I should have used the word savage instead of barbarous.   [Please select]


One glance at his face was sufficient guarantee that he had lost all his punning facetiousness.   [Please select]


"I am no jackal," said Kagig dryly, punning on the name Chakallu, which means "place of jackals."   [Please select]


"Lieber Rom als Liberal," is still a punning war-cry marking the dislike of Rome and the fear of Socialism.   [Please select]


My lord seems to have often a peculiar inclination to punning, but this was the characteristic vice of the times.   [Please select]


Robert Grace, a young gentleman of some fortune, generous, lively, and witty; a lover of punning and of his friends.   [Please select]


] It was bad enough when the guying came from a boy, but when a girl took to punning, jeering, or giggling at him it seemed as if his burden was greater than he could bear.   [Please select]

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punned - punning - punster