Sentence example with the word 'pulvillus'


Last update: October 29, 2015


The fifth (distal) tarsal segment carries a median adhesive pad - the pulvillus - on either side of which is a claw.   [Please select]


Some people think that is the way the pulvillus on the fly's foot acts.   [Please select]


Horatius Pulvillus, stood on a high platform 207½ feet long, by 192½ feet broad.   [Please select]


Extension plate: a structure at the base of the pulvillus whose function it is to extend it.   [Please select]


Extension sole: the pad-like pulvillus which may be extended by the extension plate through the pressure plate.   [Please select]


Pad: the pulvillus, or that part of it which is capable of extension and retraction in some Coleoptera.   [Please select]


Plantula: a lobe of the divided tarsal pulvillus; one of the soles or climbing cushions of the foot: see arolium; pulviglus.   [Please select]


Empodium: Diptera; the small process between the pulvilli: in Coleoptera; the bifid pseudotarsi between the claws: used also as = pulvillus; and see arolium, onychium, palmula, paronychium, plantula, pseudonychium and pulvillus.   [Please select]


Pulvillus -i: soft, pad-like structures between tarsal claws: the cushions of short, stiff hair or other clothing on the underside of tarsal joints; rarely fleshy lobes: see arolium.   [Please select]

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pulvilli - pulvillus - pumas