St.) is directed downwards and tapers out into a thin, partly cartilaginous, strand, which originally extended to the inner corner of the articular portion of the mandible, but on its long way comes to grief, being squeezed in between the pterygoid and quadrate. [Please select]
4) The palatal view of the skull shows the paired premaxillary, maxillary, palatine, pterygoid, and quadrate bones. [Please select]
] The left quadrate appears to be in place on the posterior prong of the pterygoid. [Please select]
This region between the quadrate and the orbit is occupied by a pterygoid with three projections. [Please select]
Anteriorly, the pterygoid outlines most of the posterior edge of the orbit (a distance of about 6.) [Please select]
The medial border of the orbital fenestra is missing, but apparently consisted of the pterygoid for at least the posterior half. [Please select]
Along the posterior edge of the orbital fenestra, there is a narrow, dorsally projecting flange of the pterygoid. [Please select]
The flat ventral surfaces of the palatine and pterygoid bear numerous small teeth distributed as shown in Fig. [Please select]
The nasal lacks a maxillary process, and the medial ramus of the pterygoid lacks a bony connection to the proötic. [Please select]
On the skull of the oldest (12 months) vole the pterygoid processes are firmly fused to the bullae, a condition not found in any of the other specimens. [Please select]
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