Sentence example with the word 'protrusion'


bas-relief, boldness, bulging, embossment, excrescence, extrusion, gibbousness, jut, low relief, projection, protuberance, relief, salient, tuberosity, tumescence

Definition n. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

Last update: July 21, 2015


I saw rocky protrusions in that cave.   [noun]


The section will be sketched on a side surface of the initial protrusion and extruded from One side of this surface.   [noun]


Mantle with two posterior appendages; ctenidium large and capable of protrusion from pallial cavity.   [Please select]


Exsertion: a protrusion: an extension of a line or other ornamentation beyond its ordinary course.   [Please select]


Exophthalmia in animals born of parents in which an injury to the restiform body had produced that protrusion of the eyeball.   [Please select]


Intercoxal process: in Coleopteran; a median protrusion of the basal segment of abdomen between the hind coxae.   [Please select]


Now they hung, a protrusion of deeper blackness, over the black gulf on this side, now on that.   [Please select]


Her stall should not incline downward from shoulder to croup, lest the pressure of the abdominal organs should produce protrusion or abortion.   [Please select]

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protrusible - protrusion - protrusions