Sentence example with the word 'protoplasmic'


Last update: September 11, 2015


When the nematocyst is completely developed, the cnidoblast passes outwards so as to occupy a superficial position in the ectoderm, and a delicate protoplasmic process of sensory nature, termed the cnidocil (cn) projects from the cnidoblast like a fine hair or cilium.   [Please select]


Thus for hours, perhaps, it remained stationary, one of many such rays of some of the many kinds of protoplasmic stars.   [Please select]


] Water occurs in living wood in three conditions, namely: (1) in the cell walls, (2) in the protoplasmic contents of the cells, and (3) as free water in the cell cavities and spaces.   [Please select]


An animal would vainly swallow the most nourishing food if the ultimate, protoplasmic particles of its body had not this power of "transforming" suitable substances brought near them in ways to be hereinafter noticed.   [Please select]

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protoplasm - protoplasmic - protoplasms