Definitionn. the anterior part of an insect's thorax
Last update: September 11, 2015
Turning to the thorax we find that the first segment (prothorax) is distinct and free, with a wide dorsal sclerite. [Please select]
Thorax: the prothorax subtuberculate at the sides; wings subhyaline and iridescent, the nervures fuscous, the tegulæ pale testaceous behind. [Please select]
Thorax elongate, narrowest in the middle, the prothorax forming a neck anteriorly; legs elongate and very slender. [Please select]
The prothorax smooth and shining, the meso- and metathorax transversely striated. [Please select]
The lateral angles of the anterior margin of the prothorax acute, the metathorax armed with two long acute spines. [Please select]
Behind the corselet, under the pointed roof of the prothorax, a series of pulsations is produced by alternate inflation and deflation. [Please select]
Amplected: when the head is received into a concavity of the prothorax; e. [Please select]
Atrachelia: Coleoptera in which there is no visible constriction between head and prothorax: Rhynchophora and some Heteromera. [Please select]
Cephalic foramen: the posterior or occipital foramen of head through which the dorsal vessel, oesophagus, salivary ducts and ventral nerve cords pass from head to prothorax. [Please select]
Dermatoptera: skin-winged: an ordinal term applied to insects with elytriform, abbreviated primaries beneath which the secondaries are folded transversely and fan-like: mouth mandibulate, prothorax free; abdomen forcipate; metamorphosis incomplete: the Forficulidae or earwigs. [Please select]
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