Sentence example with the word 'protesters'


Last update: July 9, 2015


Even the representatives of the Resolutioners urged Charles not to use the Anglican service, though they confided to Sharp, their agent in London, their opinion that, if the Re- monstrants (or Protesters) had any hand in affairs, " it cannot but breed continual distemper and disorders."   [Please select]


He was still dangerous; he was trying to make himself trusted by the Protesters, who were opposed to Charles.   [Please select]


To have restored the Assembly, or rather two Assemblies--that of the Protesters and that of the Resolutionists,--would certainly have been perilous.   [Please select]


Trulease had informed protesters--so Colonel Varney gleefully reported--that he had "become fully convinced of the inherent justice of the measure."   [Please select]


The Resolutioners admitted that to allow the Protesters to have any hand in affairs was "to breed continual distemper and disorders," and Baillie was for banishing the leaders of the Protesters, irreconcilables like the Rev.   [Please select]


Meanwhile Argyll, in debt, despised on all sides, and yet dreaded, was holding a great open-air Communion meeting of Protesters at Paisley, in the heart of the wildest Covenanting region (May 27, 1660).   [Please select]

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protester - protesters - protesting