Sentence example with the word 'protester'


apostate, defendant, disputant, dissident, last-ditcher, negativist, objector, opinionist, oppositionist, quarreler, schismatic, sectary

Definition n. a person who dissents from some established policy

Last update: September 18, 2015


The protesters demanded the minister's resignation for the rail accident.   [Please select]


The patriot is the annoying protester everyone wishes would just shut up.   [Please select]


Next day, while the Committee was busy, James Guthrie and some Protester preachers met, and, in the old way, drew up a "supplication."   [Please select]


Now, at the boast of this eager protester of loyalty, this recreant who "never went back on a friend," his face set like a flint.   [Please select]

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protested - protester - protesters