Sentence example with the word 'protestation'


affirmance, avouchment, compunction, device, grievance, manifesto, positive declaration, protest, say-so, stalking-horse, varnish

Definition n. a formal and solemn declaration of objection

Last update: August 17, 2015


A protestation should be made within the countries to unprove the terrorism.   [Please select]


On the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, these same chiefs, at a great meeting held in the presence of the resident commissioner, gave a further protestation of their loyalty to Her Majesty.   [Please select]


Every negro found in the streets was seized by the police; protestation, indignation, and resistance, were equally in vain.   [Please select]


'I assumed that you did,' was the King's answer; 'and your protestation adds no weight to my theory, but otherwise.'   [Please select]


Philip made a gesture of protestation, and the Governor waved his hand and smiled again.   [Please select]


A startled expression flashed across her face, and her lips parted as if in protestation.   [Please select]


A slight disdain was evidently more natural to the temperament of this woman than any fierceness of protestation.   [Please select]


Ludlow, that they, by writings published at the very beginning of the struggle, began the protestation.   [Please select]

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