Sentence example with the word 'proteges'


Last update: October 31, 2015


The queen disliked him for opposing the grant of favours to her proteges, and he had offended Mme de Polignac in a similar manner (see Marquis de Segur, Au Couchant de la monarchic, p. 305306).   [Please select]


Were not the slaves, thanks to the right of sanctuary and to their poverty, the dearest proteges of religion.   [Please select]


The unexpected necessity of defending one of her proteges aroused her.   [Please select]


We're her proteges, and the bigger the German swell I get before the safer I'll feel.   [Please select]


Then we wandered down past the grimy steerage station to the shore end of the little wharf to await the doctor and our proteges.   [Please select]


You need not withdraw even a loaf from any one of your proteges, but certainly may now be laid by the plans for the road.   [Please select]

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protegees - proteges - protei