Sentence example with the word 'prosy'


arid, classic, earthbound, household, literal, ordinary, prosing, spare, unaffected, uninventive, workaday

Definition adj. lacking wit or imagination

Last update: August 12, 2015


He is not a dramatist - his work as such is insignificant - nor a novelist, for, though his two chief works except the Confessions are called novels, Emile is one only in name, and La Nouvelle Helotise is as a story diffuse, prosy and awkward to a degree.   [Please select]


From a very prosy, tiresome, unmelodious singer, it is suddenly transformed for a brief moment into a lyric poet of great power.   [Please select]


Some are dryly scientific, some are dull and prosy, some are sentimental, some are sensational, and a few are altogether admirable.   [Please select]


"Don't be prosy, Dom," said Otto, helping himself to a fifth, if not a tenth, muffin.   [Please select]


The old gentleman seemed put out to find himself deprived of his prerogative to be elaborate and prosy.   [Please select]


But he lingered longer over the somewhat prosy ancient history of Monsieur Rollin.   [Please select]


I think I am getting rather prosy, so I must try and cut the matter short.   [Please select]


She was not especially appreciated, for she was considered prosy and commonplace.   [Please select]


Chapter XX Gilbert Speaks "This has been a dull, prosy day," yawned Phil, stretching herself idly on the sofa, having previously dispossessed two exceedingly indignant cats.   [Please select]


"It has been a prosy day for us," she said thoughtfully, "but to some people it has been a wonderful day."   [Please select]

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prostyle - prosy - protagonist