Sentence example with the word 'propel'


actuate, butt, energize, galvanize, impel, move, power, push, set agoing, spark, sweep along, whip on

Definition v. cause to move forward with force

Last update: April 13, 2016


The propelled helicopter would be take off from the ground.   [Please select]


She shifted to balance herself better, slinging one leg over his and the other foot on the ground, in case she had the chance to propel herself up.   [adverb]


When it pleases it can shoot out the water with great force, and thus propel itself quite a distance.   [Please select]


Yes, John, it can propel itself through the water by rowing, as it were, with these gills.   [Please select]


These engines propel our great steam-ships and steam-boats and drive machines of all kinds in mills and factories.   [Please select]


I'll have a noiseless clockwork arrangement that will really propel the car.'   [Please select]


It was no easy job to propel the old "billy-cart" over the fields, but Glen managed it.   [Please select]


If there are sprocket gears and cranks on either side, four boys may propel the car at one time.   [Please select]

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propagators - propel - propelled