A proneness to gambling and opium-smoking, and a tinge of vanity and deceitfulness, are their less estimable traits. [Please select]
This accounts for their profanation of their Sabbath, their proneness to theft, etc. [Please select]
A magnificent seaman, he might have become Lord High Admiral of England but for a certain proneness to intrigue. [Please select]
[20] Roberts's explanation of the proneness of women to witchcraft deserves mention in passing. [Please select]
And here let me remark upon the proneness which all children have to magnify the importance of little things. [Please select]
Who, therefore, shall have faith in men and women And knowledge of their wrongs and needs and of their proneness to error. [Please select]
"This animal neither practises the grimaces and antics of other monkeys, nor possesses their perpetual proneness to mischief." [Please select]
His own faults he knew perfectly well to be quickness of temper and a proneness to hasty action. [Please select]
Another reason for the slowness of the emancipation and development of modern Serbia has been the proneness of its people to internal dissension. [Please select]
The Governor was well aware of the proneness of the Indians to early morning attacks, so that about four o'clock on the 7th of November he rose to call the men to parade.' [Please select]
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