Sentence example with the word 'projectors'


Last update: October 13, 2015


Elec. Eng., 1898, 2 7, p. 99) very successfully produced true parabolic reflectors for projectors, by depositing copper upon carefully ground and polished glass surfaces rendered conductive by a film of deposited silver.   [Please select]


Conducted honestly, they would earn fortunes for their projectors, whose instinct, however, is for a total swindle.   [Please select]


[Transcribers Footnote 1: stereopticon: A magic lantern, with two projectors arranged to produce dissolving views.   [Please select]


In their company came Sir Richard Saltonstall, who had been one of the five first projectors of the new colony.   [Please select]


He was the "projector," or one of the projectors, of the Bank of England of 1694, investing 2000 pounds.   [Please select]


I gave them the reasons of my doubting; the subscription was dropped, and the projectors thereby missed the mortification they would have undergone if the firework had been prepared.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, many deep-thinking men thought differently, and one contemporary, reviewing this subject in after years, said of Mr Maclaren's papers, that, "they prepared the way for the success of railway projectors."   [Please select]

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projector - projectors - projects