Sentence example with the word 'prognostication'


Definition n. a sign of something about to happen

Last update: June 20, 2015


The prognostication of nostradomous are ever true.   [Please select]


Mick asked about the weather forecast and Fred responded that in Ouray, any prognostication was speculative and definitely regional—for real accuracy, one looked out the window or guessed.   [Please select]


The great surgeon on whose prognostication she had built so much, had arrived and had operated.   [Please select]


This prognostication the they based entirely upon their knowledge of the short Tressilian way.   [Please select]


Ralph's prognostication as to the weather had turned out right, and a white coating of snow lay over the country.   [Please select]


After eliminating all contingencies arising from clerical error and counteracting influence, the prognostication is sure of fulfilment.   [Please select]


For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception.   [Please select]


To see children wading in clear water is a happy prognostication, as you will be favored in your enterprises.   [Please select]


This was rather a rash venture in prognostication, for it may be easy enough to "apotheosize" the horse, but to what idyllic heights the automobile is destined to ultimately reach no one really knows.   [Please select]


While Hamersley is still smiling at the grotesque prognostication, the ex-Ranger, seizing hold of his hand, continues,-- "I'm so glad you're a goin' to rekiver."'   [Please select]

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