Sentence example with the word 'prognosticating'


Last update: July 9, 2015


A)ntinuous record of each phase in the volcanic changes has len taken, and some progress has been made in the study of te phenomena of Vesuvius; and in prognosticating the occurnce and probable intensity of eruptions.   [Please select]


Just then, too, the sacred bull at Memphis died and the priests could discover no heart in his entrails, which they interpreted as prognosticating evil to our country.   [Please select]


Steve had long since given it up in despair, but Joe still maintained a belief in his powers of prognosticating weather by the barometer, a belief that no one else on the boat shared.   [Please select]


No one will ascribe to animals a power of prognosticating the weather months beforehand by means of inferences drawn logically from a series of observations, {119b} to the extent of being able to foretell floods.   [Please select]

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prognosticates - prognosticating - prognostication