Sentence example with the word 'principe'


Definition n. an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Sao Tome and Principe

Last update: June 28, 2015


The doctrine of " Emboitement " is contained in the Considerations sur le principe de vie (1705); the preface to the Theodicee (1710); and the Principes de la nature et de la grace (§ 6) (1718).   [Please select]


We made our way to a half-sister of my father's who lived in Puerto Principe, and at first--she would not have me.   [Please select]


Fu servito un magnifico rinfresco, che il giovine Principe non assaggiò nemmeno, tanto era assorto nel rimirare la bella sconosciuta.   [Please select]


Nel fuggire, ella lasciò cascare una delle sue scarpine di vetro, che il principe raccattò con grandissimo amore.   [Please select]


1910, 5,309 8,971 70,594 84,874 1911, 5,665 11,481 79,525 96,671 1912, 9,083 11,842 85,024 105,949 The Calle del Principe is now rapidly being pulled down and new buildings taking the place of those Borrow knew.   [Please select]


Carewe, who sat upon the veranda consulting a brown Principe, and less that the intended insult was accomplished.   [Please select]

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principalship - principe - principi