Sentence example with the word 'prescriptive'


absolute, commonplace, decretory, exclusive, heroic, legendary, obtaining, prescribed, rubric, tried and true, xenophobic

Definition adj. pertaining to giving directives or rules

Last update: October 6, 2015


I purchased a book of prescriptive grammar of English.   [Please select]


Reserved categorised people have some prescriptive rights in appointments.   [Please select]


Among the curious customs of Halifax was the Gibbet Law, which was probably established by a prescriptive right to protect the wool trade, and gave the inhabitants the power of executing any one taken within their liberty, who, when tried by a jury of sixteen of the frith-burgesses, was found guilty of the theft of any goods of the value of more than 13d.   [Please select]


That which the curmudgeons called license, and liberty the free, was in 1921 held by charter and by right prescriptive.   [Please select]


What Minister, however able, however popular, could have withstood the wisdom, the irreproachability, the vast prescriptive authority, of the venerable Prince.   [Please select]


Further, out of its dogmas the Church constructs prescriptive symbols, a step which must be deplored.   [Please select]


Arnold Sherman was there before him, and was actually sitting in Ludovic's own prescriptive chair.   [Please select]


Republicans still believed that as saviors of the Union they had a prescriptive right to the government.   [Please select]

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prescriptions - prescriptive - prese