Women require intake of nutritious and balanced diet during pregnancy. [Please select]
Now they would wait for a positive pregnancy test - like any other couple. [Please select]
She was born, then, after a troubled pregnancy, a weak and sickly child, ``almost like a skeleton. [Please select]
Inez was the outcome of an unfortunate pregnancy and was a poorly developed infant. [Please select]
``Why, I can remember every moment of my pregnancy with her. [Please select]
The pregnancy with Janet was not entirely healthy, but no worse than with the other children. [Please select]
During pregnancy with Libby the mother was run over by a bicycle, but was not much injured. [Please select]
The pregnancy began when the mother was still nursing a baby. [Please select]
Birdie was born after a pregnancy during which the mother was much worried and in poor health. [Please select]
Pregnancy with Hazel was healthy, but the mother suffered a considerable shock when she stood on a passenger boat by the side of a man who jumped overboard and committed suicide. [Please select]
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