Sentence example with the word 'preformation'


Definition n. a theory

Last update: July 8, 2015


In fact, while holding firmly by the former, Bonnet more or less modified the latter in his later writings, and, at length, he admits that a " germ " need not be an actual miniature of the organism, hut that it may be merely an " original preformation " capable of producing the latter.4 But, thus defined, the germ is neither more nor less than the "particula genitalis" of Aristotle, or the "primordium vegetale" or " ovum " of Harvey; and the " evolution " of such a germ would not be distinguishable from " epigenesis."   [Please select]


Epigenesis: the doctrine of growth from an undifferentiated germ, as opposed to preformation, which implies development from already existing rudiments.   [Please select]


Preformation: the doctrine of growth or development from already existing rudiments; opposed to epigenesis: q.   [Please select]

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