Sentence example with the word 'preconception'


assumption, delusion, idee fixe, jaundice, one-sidedness, partiality, preconclusion, predetermination, prejudgment, premature judgment, presumption, presurmise, undispassionateness

Definition n. an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence

Last update: July 9, 2015


Preconception about someone or something sometimes cerates misunderstanding.   [Please select]


He began to study men, not according to some preconception, but as he found them - men, not in the isolation of one century, but as a whole in history.   [Please select]


You're succumbing to a preconception.'   [Please select]


"Charles," I suggested, "may we not here again have been the slaves of a preconception."   [Please select]


If I could have associated the thought of such a thing with my preconception of Great-aunt Eliza I could have sworn there was a twinkle in her eye.   [Please select]


Hence, if we consider experience impartially and without preconception, we find that it tells us something which is not given by the senses.   [Please select]

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