Sentence example with the word 'precipitancy'


Definition n. the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning

Last update: June 10, 2015


A few days afterwards (June 26th or 27th) John of Antioch arrived, and efforts were made by both parties to gain his ear; whether inclined or not to the cause of his former co-presbyter, he was naturally excited by the precipitancy with which Cyril had acted, and at a conciliabulum of forty-three bishops held in his lodgings shortly after his arrival he was induced by Candidian, the friend of Nestorius, to depose the bishops of Alexandria and Ephesus on the spot.   [Please select]


We'll avoid precipitancy, but we'll avoid delay too.   [Please select]


Lieutenant Lindsay was one of those men who are apt to surprise people by the precipitancy of their actions.   [Please select]


He came at once and with his usual precipitancy pronounced the case one of possession.   [Please select]


An act of so much precipitancy and presumption would seal the downfall of precocious intellect forever.   [Please select]


Frank had started forward to rescue Pomp from the consequences of his precipitancy, but too late.   [Please select]

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precipitance - precipitancy - precipitant