Sentence example with the word 'precession'


Definition n. the motion of a spinning body

Last update: August 27, 2015


The laws of motion of the ecliptic and equator are stated in the article Precession Of The Equinoxes.   [Please select]


He maintained that the precession was not greater than fifty-nine seconds, and not less than thirty-six seconds.   [Please select]


They calculated the angle of the ecliptic and the precession of the equinoxes.   [Please select]


_, 617, 623; University of, ii, 151 Prayer-flags, Buddhist, i, 438 Prayer-wheels, i, 438 Precession of the equinoxes, i, 31 _Prehistoric Peeps_, i, 50 Presbyterianism, ii, 163, 221 Prescott, ii, 207 _sq.   [Please select]


His discussion of precession, which he rightly attributes to a slow motion of the earth's axis, is marred by the idea that the precession is variable.   [Please select]


The first volume, devoted to the new star of 1572, was not ready, because the reduction of the observations involved so much research to correct the star places for refraction, precession, etc.   [Please select]

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